

Kindle coverLate last year, after receiving complaints that Tookie Before Tim wasn’t long enough, I floated the idea of writing an alternate version to our protagonists’ relationship. These thoughts have become a 51,000 word I-don’t-know-what-to call-it. It’s short for a novel and too long for a novelletta. So, I’ll just call it an ebook. Written in first person, like the rest of the Tookie series, most from her POV. Some is written from his POV to provide some perspective to her sometime-flawed interpretation of events. Unlike Tookie Before Tim, which is G-rated, this book deserves no less than an R-rating for its often-humorous sex scenes Tookie is known for. It overlaps Only Tim Sent Flowers, but all I will say is that she gets more out of their relationship this time. If you’ve purchased Only Tim Sent Flowers, email me at GeorgeQKaplan@gmail.com and I’ll get a free copy of Tookie & Tim to you.

My intent for this opus is to increase interest in the Tookie series, not to sell this books. To increase the accessibility of Tookie & Tim to readers, I’m making it free to as many people as possible by putting it up on Kindle Select. Priced at only $0.99, it is my understanding that Kindle Unlimited subscribers get to read it for free. In addition to that, I believe I get to make it free for something like five selected days. Some research is necessary to figure out how to make all this happen.

By the time you read this, Tookie & Tim will be available from KDP.

Enough of this. I have to get back to Mata Hara Tookie, the working title for the next book in the series.